meet the team.

say hello to the two lemons

two heads are better than one.

Our team is small, there’s two of us to be exact.
We’re fresh, full of ideas and energetic. Just what you’re looking for.

boss man




As dark as Maxim’s hair is, he’s actually what most people would consider “quite blonde”. Thankfully his misplaced common sense is more than made up for in his advertising skills. He loves nothing more than getting customers for our clients so we can afford to buy more useless crap to ‘upgrade the office’. We have enough plants Maxim.


favourite thing about agency life.

Not being handcuffed to a desk all day. Maxim values most the freedom to catch up with clients and build meaningful relationships.


random fact.

Was named after a gentleman’s magazine.


most used phrase.

“Is this a business expense?”


worst habit.

Has to make sure every, single, detail is perfect.

head honcho




Jae is very much a people’s person, it’s hard to shut him up. He loves coming up with creative ideas, designing and writing, especially when it’s about himself in the third person or filling in his colleague’s bio. Jae chose to go down the advertising route after his pal Dave told him “mate, you’re quite good with ideas and that aren’t you.” He really value’s being his own boss, entrepreneurship has always been in his blood.


favourite thing about agency life.

When we visit one of our clients in Grimsby, we usually go and get fish and chips by the sea. Could you do that at Google?


random fact.

Lidl’s top purchaser of Bratwurst in the West Yorskhire area.


most used phrase.

“You Bastard.”


worst habit.

Forgetting to change his stupid Zoom backgrounds when going into meetings with clients.


all sounds good?

not just pretty faces, accredited too.